Archive for the ‘humility’ Tag

It doesn’t always work out…   Leave a comment

We’d been through the drill countless times now: the daily observation, noting time, temperature, bud length as well as diameter. We’d have a bloom tonight, for sure, we thought. We’d taken measurements, called a few friends,  planned the drinks and the snacks. We were excited. A twelve-inch blossom was ready to go. We looked forward to a quiet evening of quiet beauty. The previous two nights of open-house were fun and festive and full. Newcomers this year, neighbors and friends who’d never laid eyes on such a creature before, were amazed. It was gratifying, but maybe a bit tiring especially in the heat.

Mid-afternoon the call came: “Something’s wrong,” K. said. ” It looks odd; the bud drooped.” Collapsed in the heat? Who knows?It was hanging, wilted.  Had I not watered enough, I wondered. Earlier,  a friend had asked, did we ever have a flop? “No,” I said. “Even if no one shows up, we always have the flower.”  This night, no one showed up.  And we didn’t have the flower. Just the questions, and the sad fact of a failed bud.

Blanca sets the terms. We cannot out guess her. We cannot know for sure, most things. The observer must remain open and neutral. Luckily, we had  only called those nearby, and they happened to be away. We had not set in gear any long distance travel to see this non-blooming, non-event. Yet it was an event, in humility.

Posted August 7, 2012 by Canio's in bud watch, summer

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